Pivot with Purpose: How to Integrate Your Current Offerings with New Intentions or Causes


It goes without saying that things are changing in our world, in major, unavoidable ways. Our current climate as a collective has had me considering all the ways that I can shift and evolve personally during this time of chaos, confusion, and let’s just say “crisis,” as well as to better serve others with what I have, what I know, and what I do.

Are you feeling a shift too?

This resource is for you if you are a creative or business owner (or hybrid), and you desire to...

  • shift your current offerings to serve a new purpose or cause

  • create something new to serve a purpose or cause

  • use your voice and your creativity or business in support of a new intention, purpose, or cause

AND you want to...

  • keep in alignment with your beliefs and values

  • shift in a way that is true to you, your work, and your vision

  • want to come from a place of originality and authenticity instead of duplicating or copying the efforts of others

Below you will find a series of journaling prompts meant to guide you in deciding for yourself how you want to use your current offerings as a tool for growth, change, action, etc., in light of all we are facing during this time. Included as well is a brief PDF guide if you’d like to print and write instead of just use this page for reference.

My hope is that this journaling guide helps you sort through your thoughts in a way that leads you to your own solution and tangible action steps for YOU that are in alignment with your truth, your purpose, and your unique work.

These questions are meant to guide you to the heart of the matter, so with each question, write down the first things that come to mind, and trust your gut for the answers. Your path will reveal itself.



What events, topics and/or causes have you been exposed to or that you have learned about recently that are inspiring you to shift your creativity, your voice, or your business in a new way? List or journal them. (Ex: racism, politics, etc.)


In what ways have you been inspired to act? What ideas are you having surrounding these topics and causes?


If you haven’t written these things down already, take a moment to brainstorm and write about the actions you are inspired to take, or add more.


Overall, what are your new intentions that you want to put into action in your creativity, your business, or both? 


What new messages would you like to share or incorporate?


Something I’ve learned about ideas and inspiration is that sometimes it is in direct correlation with what we’ve seen others doing, sometimes it’s correlated with internal thoughts/dialogue/intuition, and sometimes it’s a mix of both. Let’s sort through your ideas to find the ones that are truest to you and your current offerings.


What are some major beliefs you hold that are not changing?


What are the major turning points in your life that shifted your perspective or strengthened your values and beliefs?


How has your recent inspiration to shift impacted your views on your personal beliefs and values?


How have your beliefs or values changed in light of your recent discoveries, if any?


What are the experiences you’ve had in your life that allow you to feel more empathy towards the new cause, intention, or shift you’re making? (Think of how the “why” behind your perspective and the lives of others overlap, etc)


What are you currently creating or offering in your personal creative process or in your business? List them here. (Projects, artworks, songs, writing, services, etc. - what are they?)


What from this list would be easiest to shift, repurpose, give away, or share in a new way right now? (Ex: it is much easier for me to paint something new than to write a new song, it is easier for me to donate funds using something I’ve already finished than start something from scratch.)


What changes, if any, would you have to make online and in person to make space for this shift? (This could be the way you write captions for social media, a website edit, etc.)



Which pieces of the Inspiration and Beliefs & Values sections overlap? Where is there correspondence between the two? Where is their connection? What are the overarching themes, messages, topics, etc.?


Looking at the offering that is easiest to shift in this moment for you, how can you tie your Inspiration together with your Beliefs & Values to shift this offering, or create a product, service, or offering that is congruent to the shift you’re wanting to make in your creativity or business?

Which of the ideas from your brainstorm are a best fit given the alignment and connection with your Beliefs & Values?


If fundraising, donating, or charity, or community efforts are involved in your response, what would you need to keep in mind when selecting an organization or entity to partner with on this?


Is there anything standing out to you RIGHT NOW that feels like “I HAVE to ____ - this is what I WANT to do - this is where I WANT to give”? If so, what is it? Be descriptive. 


You are the only person who knows how much capacity you have to create and give in this moment. Use the following question to decide on the action steps you want to take while keeping in alignment with your natural energy and creative cycle. 


What action steps are becoming apparent to me right now? (Create, change, share, call, schedule, etc. - use verbs as much as possible).


What projects or other commitments do I need to put on hold to pursue these actions, if any?


When do I feel it is important to take these action steps?


How much capacity do I have to make these changes right now?


If the action steps you are considering involve donating money or sharing your profits in some way, how much can you afford to share at this time? (all proceeds, a percentage of profits, etc.)


What is the first step that you see you could take right now towards these changes? 


Friend, whatever changes you are inspired to make at this time are for the collective good. Know that you already have everything inside you to make this change a reality. Know that when you are inspired to take action, you are deeply supported in all that you are. I am with you, and I can’t wait to see the ripple effects of the shift up your sleeve. Always feel free to reach out if I can provide any further guidance in your creative journey. 

XO, Lusterling